Premier cycle - 3,0 crédit(s)
Département des sciences administratives
To increase students'awareness of the historical, sociological, political, ideological, religious and technological dimensions influencing managerial practices in various countries. Development of appropriate skills and attitudes such as accepting difference in others and designing culture-sensitive structures.
Nations and culture. Components of culture : language, religion, values, social patterns, education, technology, political institutions, legislation, and their influence on behaviours and styles of management. Cultural relativity of management principles. Culture and management in Quebec, North America and Europe. The distinctive styles of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Japan, China, India, Africa, latin America and the Pacific Rim. Issues in overseas intervention. Ethics and international management.
Formules pédagogiques
Lectures, text material, case studies.
Exigences de qualification pour l'enseignement
Corps professionnel
Autre(s) exigence(s)
7201 - Code général du secteur Sciences de la gestion